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Brand Newsroom brings old-school journalism to our collaboration with contemporary brands, b2b media companies, advisory/investment firms, tech companies, and publications, nonprofits, trade organizations, and individuals , helping them to build and refine their own in-house news and content production.





Sound content informs. It doesn’t sell. It establishes trust, and provides a showcase for your brand's narrative, values, and leadership. Brand Newsroom’s old-school journalistic approach to storytelling provides a tried-and-true path to building your brand into a trusted authority.


Brand Newsroom is your partner in storytelling


With a journalistic focus honed throughout 30 years of business reporting, we help you  business stories that engage, inspire, and inform.




We are your newsroom collaborator.

We work with your newsroom team, acting as your collaborators and coaches.

Because, friends, any muckety-muck  can help you make the news"
but only Brand Newsroom can help you make YOUR  OWN news. 


Look, kid, this media world can be tricky. Sometimes you'll need someone who has the dope on unfamiliar territory,  get me? Sometimes your brand can use a guide with some savvy. We know the angles. Media training, hand-holding, Q&A prep, media strategy.

Old style journalist ready to support your brand newsroom team


We’re journalists for hire.

Brand Newsroom can help you write and edit authorative branded material, from books to thought-leadership pieces. We can coach you through it, or take on the bulk of it. Talk to us about tiered service options.


Old style journalist ready to support your brand newsroom team


You want someone to take your lead and run with it —someone who gets you. Whether it's building a newsroom,  developing a narrative, setting up a social media strategy, or paving the way toward a book deal, we have like-minded creatives who can work with you, step by step. 

Old style journalist ready to support your brand newsroom team
Brand Newsroom Logo

We're bunkered down in Brooklyn, —New YORK, buddy. And we love it here, see? Sure, we get around. But Brooklyn is where we make news.

Discretion is our middle name, kid. 

See you in the newsroom!

©2022 by Brand Newsroom LLC. Proudly created with

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